Friday, May 28, 2010

Work on Floyd

Over the next several weeks ONCOR will set two poles on the south side of Floyd St. to temporarily re-route power to the south. One pole will be at the corner of St. Joseph and Floyd St and the other will be at the NE end of Swiss Tower on Floyd St. ONCOR will also install breakers at these poles which will allow them to de-energize the lines on the north side of Floyd allowing Mid-Continental Restoration (MCR) to continue the ReCladding Project at Swiss Tower without delays. The lines on the north side of Floyd St. will remain in place permanently. Electrical service should not be interrupted to Swiss Tower.

While this is going on, they will probably begin putting up scaffolding (at least part way up). They will go up all the way to the tenth floor once the power is re-routed. Fencing will go up today on Floyd Street to mark off the next area that scaffolding will go up on the Floyd Street side of the building.

After the Floyd St elevation is complete, ONCOR will remove temporary lines/poles and re-energize the lines on the north side of the street.

No work or interruption of service will take place on the video cable feeding the Swiss Tower.