Thursday, June 17, 2010

Window Installation Processes Separated

For those living on floors 4-10, please be aware that contractors and/or DTS personnel will eventually need to get into your apartment several times for window, trim, paint, and window stop installations (outside contractors will be accompanied by DTS personnel). These processes have by necessity been separated out with reference to their scheduling (there was an attempt made to lump some of these processes together but that effort proved to be impossible).

I will be given 48 hours notice for each of these processes before they are done. I will pass this information to you as soon as possible by posting a memo on your door clip. If you are in town when you receive this information, please clear out the area around the windows that are to be replaced so that the workers can work and so that your items are protected. For the safety and well-being of your window treatments, you should also take those down as well. If you are aware that you will likely be out of town for any of these processes, please follow the procedures given above before you go.